Connecting to The God of Wonders Through His Provision

by Pastor Hal

This week we will be focusing on how God provides all our needs. The scriptures tell us that God gives to us all good things and that everything comes from God. You may want to look back to the creation story in Genesis 1 and 2. I like to think about it from the standpoint that everything God created before man He created for man; to make for us a place that would give us everything we need for life.

As you go through these meditations do not think about what may be missing from your life. That is what Eve did and look at where it got her and us. Instead look with a grateful heart at all that God has given you. Thank Him for HIS GREAT GIFTS.

There are only four days, so you have a little flexibility. These should not take a lot of time. They are meant to get you thinking and should be done in the morning to give you thoughts for the day. Then at the end of the day, take a few moments to journal what your experience has been.

Week 4

Day 1  – He has given you life!

Setting: Return to your quiet place where you can listen for His voice..

Scripture: Psalm 139:13-16

Meditation: Take a moment to listen to your gentle breathing, breath in and breath out. Now find your pulse either in your wrist or on your neck. Count each beat. All of this and many other things continue without your thinking about it or doing anything. God provides.

Prayer: Thank God for your life and for each new day that He gives you. Pray that God will help you to fill your life with purpose.

Task: As you go through this day think about all those things that God provides for you that you may often take for granted. Thank Him for these great gifts.

Day 2 – He has given you community.

Setting: Return to your quiet place where you can listen for His voice.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Meditation: There are many different types of community. Community could be family, or a group of friends. It could be your workplace or your church. The bible tells us that God places us in community as He pleases. Spend time thinking about the communities God has placed you in and how each has influenced your life.

Prayer: Pray that God will help you to know you place in each community of your life. Ask Him to show you His purpose in placing you there.

Task: As God reveals to you the purpose He has for you in each community of your life, ask Him to show you how to carry out your role in His plan for your community.

Day 3 – God has given you prayer.

Setting: Return to your quiet place where you can commune with God and hear His voice.

Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13

Meditation: Take time to meditate on each part of the model prayer. Think about the meaning of each section and how you would put it into your words.

Prayer/Task: Today your prayer/task sections are together. Your task is to pray through the model prayer as you understand it. Begin with addressing God as He is, then worship Him. Ask that His will would be done in your life and that His Kingdom would fill the earth, ask for the daily needs of your life. Ask His forgiveness for known sin, and ask Him to make you more forgiving toward others.

Day 4 – God has made a way for you to connect with Him!

Setting: Return to your quiet place where you can listen for His voice.

Scripture John 14:6

Meditation: In VBS we learned that God’s Truth Never Changes. Meditate today on how Jesus is the way and the truth, and the life.

Prayer: Pray that God will lead you in the true way, that He will show you what is true, and that He will fill you with the life of Jesus.

Task: Spend some time today resting in His Grace.