This week we will be continuing with a look at God’s wisdom from 2nd Timothy. This is Paul’s last letter and it is written to his son in the Faith, Timothy. These are his last words and are filled with wisdom as to how to live your faith in this world.
Just as in our other devotionals in this series there will be a scripture, a meditation , a task and a prayer. These are designed to draw you closer in your connection to the God of Wonders. Find your comfortable quiet place each day as you draw near.
Day 1 – Do not be ashamed in your circumstances.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:12-14
Meditation: Have you ever felt ashamed? Maybe you were in need or your circumstances were overwhelming. It could have been a time when you had done something wrong and didn’t know how to fix it. Did God bring you through? Was he a support to you and did you feel His love? The way out of shame is to remember what you believe and trust that He can handle whatever your situation is.
Prayer: God thank you for always being there for me. Help me to remember that whatever I am going through nothing is too big for you.
Task: In your journal list as many times as you can remember when God was faithful to you in your time of hardship. Thank Him for His continued faithfulness to you.
Day 2 – Discipline yourself for the work of discipline.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-6
Meditation: Discipline is a word with two meanings and Paul uses both in this passage. The hardships of this life require a strong and disciplined mind, spirit and body. Paul uses three situations: the soldier, the athlete, and the farmer to demonstrate the need to discipline our lives. Paul is also preparing Timothy to be able to discipline these who are teaching things that are not true. How are you disciplining your mind, spirit and body to prepare yourself for what God has for you to do?
Prayer: Pray that God will give you understanding in all things.
Task: Put together a plan for how you can regularly discipline your mind, your spirit and your body. Follow your plan.
Day 3 – Continue in His word.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Meditation: The most important way for us to discipline ourselves and prepare for every good work is by being in His word. Think about when God’s word has taught you or when it has shown you your sin or given you a way back to Him. How has His word helped to strengthen you against temptation to sin and given you courage to stand for what is right.
Prayer: In the Psalm David prays that God will teach him His ways and show him His paths. Pray that through His word, God will teach you and show you your path and the way you should walk in it.
Task: Make a commitment to be in God’s word daily. Spend time each day, make it a priority. When you stumble or feel lost go to His word for direction first.
Day 4 – Let your words be simple and true and filled with love.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-16, 23-26
Meditation: Think about what it means to “wrangle” with words, or worldly and empty chatter, or to be quarrelsome? Have you ever fallen into these behaviors? We will not always agree with others or will feel that others have wronged us in some way, but we are to respond with love.
Prayer: Ask God to help you to guard your tongue and to help you to make your words simple and true and filled with love.
Task: Have you injured someone with your words? Go to them, apologize, and try to make it right.